John Voris on Sat, 27 Apr 2002 14:30:11 +0200 |
IBM has customers talking about LINUX SERVER CONSOLIDATION on their mid-range product iSeries-AS/400 TELE-SEMINAR ON MAY 16th AT 11:00 AM EDT. "Find out how you can reduce your Total Cost of Ownership (TCO), increase efficiency and enhance performance with an IBM Linux Server Consolidation solution. Register at: Flexible, reliable and cost-effective, Linux is truly a game-changing technology. And with the power of an IBM e-server, you can consolidate hundreds of different servers onto a single box running Linux. This can help you reduce costs, increase efficiency, enhance performance, speed deployment and reduce your TCO -- all while delivering world-class IBM mainframe e-business technologies. And you can learn all about it at our Server Consolidation tele-seminar on May 16th. Hosted by Richard A. Lechner, Vice President of Sales and Marketing for IBM Enterprise Servers, the tele-seminar will give you an inside look at the entire process of undergoing an IBM Linux Server Consolidation solution. IBM Linux Server Consolidation customers will share their experiences, from the decision-making process, through implementation, to hard results. Afterwards, an open Q&A session will allow you to learn even more. Visit: to register for our Linux Server Consolidation tele-seminar John Voris -- IBM Certified Specialist, iSeries -- ----- Technical Solutions Designer ---- ----- John Voris Consulting, Inc ------ ----- AS/400 & Java Consulting ------ ----- 610 873-0780 ------ ______________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group - Announcements- General Discussion -