Art Clemons on Tue, 11 Jun 2002 10:41:05 -0400 |
Gabriel Rosenkoetter Ugh. I wince every time I see this /mnt/cdrom Linuxism. It's wrong, wrong, wrong. /mnt is meant to be a mount point *itself*, not a place to mount things under. It's not that it'd really matter much if I came along and mounted something at /mnt when you'd already mounted something else at /mnt/cdrom... except that all of a sudden you wouldn't be able to see your mount any longer. Maybe just an irritation, but maybe tragic if you're using, say, a union-style file system, or a loopback mount into /mnt/cdrom, or any variety of other situations. I actually originally learned to mount a cdrom on /cdrom, however things and people change. Linux is different from *BSD or Unix in some ways, and that's one of the differences. Slackware, my distro of choice, until recently had /cdrom as the setup of choice, but all too many other distros don't and that can be a problem if other software expects to find your cdrom at /cdrom.