Edward M. Corrado on Tue, 19 Nov 2002 14:20:08 -0500

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[PLUG] DirecTV DSL & Linux

Has anyone used DIRECTV's DSL service, and if so how would you rate
it? Did you have any problems using Linux with it? Also, have you had any
problems with them blocking specific ports? I really want to use
speakeasy.net based on personal recommendations and reviews that I have
read, but they aren't available in my area yet and they apparently have no
time table for DSL in my area. Basically, my choices are currently limited
to Verizon and DirecTV dsl services. One thing that I saw on the DirecTV
DSL website (and appeared to be confirmed by the script-reading
telemarketer that called me the other day while I was watching TV was that
they assign you a static IP allow you to run a web server (both plusses in
my book), but I can't find anything in the actually agreement that says
that they allow the web server part (or what other services they allow you
to run) . Any experiences (good or bad) would be greatly appreciated.

Ed C.

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