epike on Thu, 21 Nov 2002 10:44:11 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] Recommendations on how to partition

> I want to reformat and reinstall Libranet 2.7. It's a 60G ATA 100 drive
> (amazing how cheap disk drives are ... :-).
> Anyway, here's what I'm thinking:
> /boot		30M (room to test many kernels :-)
> /		1G
> /opt		2G (in case something likes to install in there)
> /tmp		2G
> /var		4G
> /usr		12G
> And the rest split between /home, and a FAT32 storage partition, so that
> my
> Win2K drive can see and share things there (storage graphics, music,
> etc),
> for those few times when I boot into Win2K.
> Have a missed anything? Is there any other standard directory that
> should be
> on it's own partition? /usr/local/src or whatever (that's just an
> example)

Not familiar with your distro but I would suggest

1. /usr appears to be too big ...its usually for system executables
   and libraries and unless your installing a lot more programs
   then a lot of that space could go to waste..
   As a point of reference the /usr of a full install of 
   redhat 7.3 is about a bit over 3 gigs.
2. dont forget a couple megs of partitions for swap
3. I would leave a couple of gigs unpartitioned. as spare, you
   never know when you will suddenly have to come up with
   an extra /directory...

e pike

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