LeRoy Cressy on Wed, 29 Jan 2003 16:34:30 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] dsl questions

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Concerning the question about being safe with your configuration I would be petrified without a firewall. You can do what I did and set up an old P75 box as a NAT firewall and router. My logs on the firewall reflect a contant barage from sniffers, port scans, and some attempting to ssh into one of my boxes.

The configuration that you are currently using doen not block any ports or whatever. This is very bad. You should block everything from the Internet except what you specifically want to allow.

The configuration that I use is:

     |   DSL    |
     +----------+  DMZ     +------------+
     | Firewall |--------->|   Switch   |
     +----------+  LAN     +------------+
          |   Workstation  +------------+
          +--------------->|   Switch   |
                   LAN     +------------+

You can set up your DMZ servrers to handle Mail, POP, Apachie and anything else that you want to be accessed from the Internet. The trick is that you do not allow any traffic from the DMZ to go to the workstations, but on the otherhand you can allow the workstations to have access to the DMZ. Thus with a configuration like this the only thing that the Internet sees is the DMZ. They cannot see the Workstation side.

Also, on the security aspect I would remove the telnet package from any machine that has access to the Internet. I would close every port possible. For instance this past weekend I dropped a number of packets that were from the Microsoft SQL worm.

In my firewall I have 3 ethernet cards with each assigned its own IP address. Also the firewall becomes the gateway for the 2 internal lans.

With the configuration of connecting the switch directly to the DSL you are in the position of creating firewall code for each server. This sounds like a lot of work.

epike@isinet.com wrote:
hi list, couple of dsl questions:

1.  Does it look like i'm getting 128kbps upload?
    I should be.  How do i measure upload bandwidth?

   494486 bytes received in 29 seconds (17 Kbytes/s)
   494486 bytes received in 29 seconds (17 Kbytes/s)
   1285884 bytes received in 76 seconds (17 Kbytes/s)
   436444 bytes received in 26 seconds (17 Kbytes/s)
   436444 bytes received in 31 seconds (14 Kbytes/s)
   262364 bytes received in 15 seconds (17 Kbytes/s)

I downloaded thru normal FTP from a friend's cable connection.

2. my connection (ascii art):

                   +---- server
                   +---- server
                   +---- server

is it safe to telnet from server to server In other words, can the packets
go out somehow of the dsl modem thereby allowing my
login to be be "sniffed"? They are all on
the same subnet --- in this example, but presumably
shared with other dsl subscribers (since I only have 5 IP's). I dont think i'll be sniffed but i want to make sure.

thanks in advance

jondz/ edward pike

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- -- Rev. LeRoy D. Cressy mailto:leroy@lrcressy.com /\_/\
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Phone: 215-535-4037 > ^ <

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