Paul on Fri, 14 Feb 2003 19:21:03 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] how to lose your rights and freedom...

gabriel rosenkoetter wrote:

On Fri, Feb 14, 2003 at 01:57:39PM -0500, Paul wrote:

And you wouldn't have conveniently lost your keys?

And be brought up for perjury and contempt of court too? No, thanks; not when I can turn state's witness and get a lesser term for handing over my key. (In point of fact, if I were actually doing anything that needed to be hidden from the federal government by way of encryption, I'd be putting some failsafes in, using distributed, off-shore datawarehousing, and killswitches that activated at the first sign of tampering, so that there wouldn't BE any way to subpoena the data.)

OK. Image that this thread is being monitored. Is "free speech" affected by the thought that the government is listening in and might come knocking on your door because you lead them to believe that you might be using encryption? Having knowledge of encryption could be compared to having the tools to commit a crime, especially when encryption itself is a crime.

Does encryption twart crime more so than enable crimes to be committed?

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