John Beck on Sun, 27 Apr 2003 07:14:05 -0400 |
That's great! I only need one, and like I said, my biggest concern is # of amps at 12v. The higher the better! So far, you are the most promising source, so if you get back in today, please email me. I'll let you know if someone else pulls through in the meantime... Thanks for your help! John >Msimons wrote: >How many of them do you want? :D I am in NE Philly, but currently I am >not in Philadelphia (Maryland for the weekend..) will probably be back mid >to late tomorrow, but I am not sure. I assume you will get something from >someone else before I get back. You should *not* have to pay for an AT >power supply. _________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --