Martin DiViaio on Wed, 9 Jul 2003 03:43:29 -0400

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[PLUG] weird devfs issues

I've been playing around with devfs on the 2.4.21 kernel and I've hit a 
couple of really weird (but minor) issues and I'm wondering if anyone else 
has seen this. (By the way, this is on a RH 7.1 system.)

The first issue is at boot. It appears that devfsd is mounting my swap 
partition before the rc script. This gets me a "device or resource busy" 
error when the rc script says it't enabling swap space. However, swapon -s 
shows the swap partition mounted to the correct devfs mount point.

The second issue is at shutdown/reboot. I'm getting two errors when the 
system tries to unmount devfs. The first error is "devfs not found" and 
the second is "/dev illegal seek". I'm guessing this may be because / is 
all ready unmounted and the kernel can't find the mount points anymore.

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