Tobias DiPasquale on 17 Oct 2003 18:46:02 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] Transfer REALLY large file(s) between Linux and OS X

On Fri, 2003-10-17 at 18:06, W. Chris Shank wrote:
> I'm trying to move a 28G file from Linux to OS X. Transmit fails after
> 4G. scp fails after about the same. I'm trying to avoid cutting it up -
> I already tried to make on 5.6G file - but that fails too (no surprise).
> Unless I can take my 28G tarball and slice it into 7 4G pieces and
> reassemble then on the other side. It just really bother me that it's
> bombing at 4G. I assume because the file is being cached in RAM. Anyway
> to force scp to incrementally write the file to disk?

I checked it out further and it appears that HFS has a limit of 2GB file
size. However, HFS+ has a file size limit of 2^63 bytes, which is well
over 2 terabytes. As Adam points out, something you're using is not
large-file-aware, but you should be aware that this may be your shell,
not your copy of cp (scp is an alias for using ssh with a file copy).

<< Tobias DiPasquale >>
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