Jeff Abrahamson on 27 Oct 2003 18:10:03 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] Sharing Latex document with Word users ?

On Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 05:34:55PM -0500, Rebecca Ore wrote:
>   [33 lines, 231 words, 1531 characters]  Top characters: teosa_in
> On Mon, Oct 27, 2003 at 03:40:28PM -0500, Art Alexion ( wrote:
> > Sandhitsu R Das wrote:
> > 
> > >Thanks for all the suggestions. For now, the pdf solution works out the
> > >best. I'm using pdflatex to generate a pdf in which he can make notes
> > >inside Acrobat. However, he insists that refusing to use Word is silly
> > >from a practical standpoint although he appreciates that it's mostly a
> > >philosophical issue for me (not wanting to use MS software).
> > >
> > > 
> > >
> > If that's all it was, what's wrong with using OpenOffice and saving as 
> > DOC.  The current version seems to handle all but the most complex Word 
> > formatting without too much ugliness (especially if you tune your 
> > compatibility options and use standard fonts).
> > 
> How does one do this?  The one time I tried to comment on a student
> paper, what Open Office saved wasn't readable by the student (saved back
> to the student's floppy).  It would save me a huge amount of time over
> all if students could make electronic submissions (Temple Blackboard has
> a digital dropbox for this).  I thought that I had saved my comments as
> a .doc file.  

You have to make sure you select the right file format, of course, and
name it .doc, since it's Windows.

But Word doesn't necessarily know how to read word format, or not all
versions of it.

I prefer to exchange PDF's and respond with text comments. ("On page
3, paragraph 4, ..." or else print and scrawl.) But that's me.


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
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