sean finney on 5 Feb 2004 00:29:02 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] X config, woody, sarge, and knoppix

On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 05:50:15PM -0500, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
> The machine he's using is running debian woody (stable), works great,
> but X is not configured, and neither xf86setup nor X -config work with
> that hardware (X reports).

debian woody is a little old, i'd recommend doing a mix of woody/sarge
(if not sarge/sid), especially if this is going to be a desktop
workstation.  kde/gnome in woody are both pretty ugly.

> I tried bringing the machine up under knoppix, works great.  I saved
> the XF86config* files, rebooted from the hard drive under woody,
> doesn't work.

it could be that certain config options from the knoppix config don't
work with your older xf86, like font paths or non-existant device
entries, any of which could cause the x server to barf and quit.  what's
in /var/log/XFree86.0.log?  

most important is how it detects/sets up the display driver.  during the
knoppix boot-up process, what display driver does it use (it should say
this in some of that colorful green text before turning on x)?  my guess if
you're having trouble with the video card is that knoppix would be using
vesa, and you could probably get woody to use that too.  try comparing
and contrasting XF86Config-4 on the knoppix vs.  the woody systems.

> 2. Rumor is that knoppix can be installed to disk, but I can't figure
>    it out.  Google says other people can't figure it out.  But knoppix
>    is debian-based.

i believe the program is knx-hdinstall or something like that.  a warning:
it's not the most flexible of installers, and will leave you with an
unhealthy mix of woody/sarge/sid/misc that may lead to problems later
(as well as doing a poor job of letting you partition your hard disk,
last time i checked)

in that case, you'd be better off just dist-upgrading all the way to
sid, which has most of the same goodies, minus the automagical hardware

> 3. Else I have to install Redhat.

the redhat installation process is really smooth from my experience, but
you pay for it later.  debian is kind of the opposite.  horrible to set
up (relatively, anyway), but once it's installed, you'll never have to do
it again.  try upgrading a web server from rh 7.2 to advanced server some

anyway, hth

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