Jeff Abrahamson on 5 Feb 2004 17:11:02 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] X config, woody, sarge, and knoppix

On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 07:28:35PM -0500, sean finney wrote:
> most important is how it detects/sets up the display driver.  during
> the knoppix boot-up process, what display driver does it use (it
> should say this in some of that colorful green text before turning
> on x)?  my guess if you're having trouble with the video card is
> that knoppix would be using vesa, and you could probably get woody
> to use that too.  try comparing and contrasting XF86Config-4 on the
> knoppix vs.  the woody systems.

This was the key, finally.  I upgraded to sarge, X -configure didn't
work, but dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xfree86 worked when I selected the
vesa server instead of vga.

Great, it all works, and then my boss says, "Oh, but I want to use my
flat screen monitor instead, will it still work?"  No, of course not,
though this is hard to explain, since on Mac, Win, BeOS, etc., you can
just swap monitors and things work out just fine.

I set that up and then he wanted higher resolution than the device
could provide.

Anyway, thanks for all the help everyone.  Now I'm going to get back
to my real job.


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
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