Jeff Abrahamson on 16 Mar 2004 02:41:02 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] X and debconf

On Mon, Mar 15, 2004 at 09:20:14PM -0500, sean finney wrote:
> > Anyone know how do I just tell debconf what the right params are for
> > my X setup?
> well, if you want to debconf to just leave your x alone,
> dpkg-reconfigure xfree86, and answer no to the first question "manage
> XF86Config-4 with debconf?".  otherwise, there's no way of having debconf
> load your X config settings other than answering all its questions.

I mean, rather, that I'm happy to have debconf manage it, I just want
it to start with my current config, not start from scratch.  Right
now, if I restart X, for example, I will get a different display
resolution (until I manually restore my old X config).


 Jeff Abrahamson  <>
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