William H. Magill on 21 Sep 2004 02:51:02 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Linksys and DSL

On 20 Sep, 2004, at 14:08, James Kelly wrote:
I have recently started working for a small ISP down in VA, we resell
Covad/Verizon DSL. Our business customers do not use PPPoE, and I would
assume it is the same up there.

There IS a difference between a service offered by Verizon itself and one offered by a reseller.

To the best of my knowledge, all Verizon DHCP based service is provided via PPPoE, (Consumer or Business). This is done primarily for billing purposes (although they will claim it is also a security issue).

Don't know about Verizon's Static IP service.

In those cases where a reseller is involved, that reseller determines how any IP addresses are assigned, and consequently how an end user connects. Verizon is simply providing an empty pipe from the home to the DSLAM in the CO. The DSLAM is cross-connected in the CO to the ISP's "cloud" instead of to Verizon's "cloud." The setup is not significantly different from that surrounding a CLEC. ... Verizon provides the wire, the CLEC determines how it is used.

William H. Magill
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