Michael D. Barlow on 12 Jan 2005 23:15:58 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] mini Linux

On Wed, 12 Jan 2005 02:00:36 -0800, <rekaye1005@earthlink.net> wrote:

I am looking for suggestions...
I have a old IBM PC, 64Mb ram.
Being frugal, and trying to squeeze the last bit of functionality out of
does anyone have a suggestion for a (mini?) version of Linux that would
function with this spec?
I would set it up as an ISP dialup device, with a basic firewall using
Would it be asking too much to have a tiny little gui?
Thanks in advance.
Ron Kaye

The Damn Small Linux is a great distribution for the lower power machines. The 64 meg should be more than adequate. I am running a machine that has much more memory, however I am seing very little memory being used with a hard drive install.

The Hd install was quite painless.

The distro is not quite a true debian install. Not all software will work with it, however it is being actively maintained. Additionally, there are numerous programs that either work or have been patched so that they work. They are archived in a "repository" known as MyDsl.

You can install a title with two clicks provided that the program is listed.

Highly recommend this distro.

I am thinking of building a fanless/driveless machine utilizing this distro from a compact flash card.

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