John Desmond on 8 Feb 2005 22:41:24 -0000 |
Salutations, gentlefolk, Yours truly was surveying the pile of //junk// stuf in his home, concluded that I have almost enuf parts to build another computer, thought 'twould be a good idea to make it a Linux box and get started climbing the learning curve ... (OK, an Asus PZL-97 motherboard and a Celeron-300, aren't the latest, but are still too new to donate to museum) Anyway, I'll need video and sound cards. Want to make sure they have Linux drivers. Suggest, please, a good vendor. Thanks very much, Yours, John Desmond PS - And if anyone wants to suggest a good distro to get staretd with .. ;-) ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --