Greg Lopp on 15 Jun 2006 17:54:23 -0000 |
George Langford wrote: what happens here if, rather than "mput /path/file*.*", you say "cd path" and "mput file*.*" ?Here again I find myself struggling with a linux application when I'd gotten used to a nice app (CuteFTP) in another OS. I ask because it may be trying to put the file "path/file1", when no "path" sub exists. Can you provide us with the exact text of the commands and errors up to this point? Do I really have to name each file specifically and one at a time,What you are trying to do should be possible. You should not have to name each file (what would be the point of mput otherwise). There's probably just some small detail that's out of whack. ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --