Mike Leone on 26 Aug 2006 04:09:04 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Using distribution lists in abook with mutt

Eric wrote:
Back when I used Mutt (having devolved to KMail) I edited my .mutt-alias file
to include items like this:

alias DEBATE <debater1@yahoo.com>, <debater2@comcast.net>, <debater3@hotmail.com>, etc

and it worked like a charm. Have you tried this?

Yep. Doesn't work for outgoing. No alias does, actually, that I can see. mutt just seems to hand it off to the MTA with the alias name (no replacement of DEBATE with the addresses, to use your example). It tries to send it out as "DaGuys@localhost".


On Friday 25 August 2006 2:32 pm, Mike Leone wrote:
Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
On Thu, Aug 24, 2006 at 03:57:41PM -0400, Mike Leone wrote:
  [19 lines, 169 words, 1103 characters]  Top characters: e_tsinol

So I use mutt over ssh from work. And in abook I have a little
distribution list entered. entry is "daGuys", with 3 email
addresses, one for each "DaGuy". :-)

In mutt, when I am addressing an email, I have it set so a <CTRL T>
brings up the abook query. Problem is ... I see 3 separate lines,
all labeled "DaGuys", one with each address. I can't seem to figure
out how to get all 3 addresses into the "TO:" header, just by
choosing the one name (which is what I want to happen).
I'm slightly confused. You're not using lbdb to query abook?

I don't think it will matter, but that's what I'm using and how I tested

Do ^T and tag daguy-1 through daguy-3.  All three will appear in the
To (or Cc or whatever) field in mutt.
Tagging all 3 works. That's a usable work-around (for now).

Alternatively, if I have an email address in jpilot (which is what I
use) such as "a@b.c, x@y.z", then selecting that name from the lbdbq
results will give me both email addresses.
I will investigate moving to lbdb, I think. Not using jpilot, or any of
the pilot programs.

HTH. I am a bit confused about exactly what is happening for you.
I wanted to see just one entry, called "Da Guys", that had 3 email
addresses listed. (which is what I have entered into abook - 1 entry,
with 3 addresses). So I would need to just choose the 1 entry, and not
have to tag all 3 of "Da Guys", in order to send an email to the list
called "Da Guys". It's manageable with 3 members, but tagging more than
that would be tedious and off-putting.

Any idea how I would get the one entry as described above, in case I
decide to add more addresses to "Da Guys"? With abook, I mean; you've
said that it works that way with lbdb linking to jpilot.

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