Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
On Thu, Aug 24, 2006 at 03:57:41PM -0400, Mike Leone wrote:
[19 lines, 169 words, 1103 characters] Top characters: e_tsinol
So I use mutt over ssh from work. And in abook I have a little
distribution list entered. entry is "daGuys", with 3 email
addresses, one for each "DaGuy". :-)
In mutt, when I am addressing an email, I have it set so a <CTRL T>
brings up the abook query. Problem is ... I see 3 separate lines,
all labeled "DaGuys", one with each address. I can't seem to figure
out how to get all 3 addresses into the "TO:" header, just by
choosing the one name (which is what I want to happen).
I'm slightly confused. You're not using lbdb to query abook?
I don't think it will matter, but that's what I'm using and how I tested
Do ^T and tag daguy-1 through daguy-3. All three will appear in the
To (or Cc or whatever) field in mutt.
Tagging all 3 works. That's a usable work-around (for now).
Alternatively, if I have an email address in jpilot (which is what I
use) such as "a@b.c, x@y.z", then selecting that name from the lbdbq
results will give me both email addresses.
I will investigate moving to lbdb, I think. Not using jpilot, or any of
the pilot programs.
HTH. I am a bit confused about exactly what is happening for you.
I wanted to see just one entry, called "Da Guys", that had 3 email
addresses listed. (which is what I have entered into abook - 1 entry,
with 3 addresses). So I would need to just choose the 1 entry, and not
have to tag all 3 of "Da Guys", in order to send an email to the list
called "Da Guys". It's manageable with 3 members, but tagging more than
that would be tedious and off-putting.
Any idea how I would get the one entry as described above, in case I
decide to add more addresses to "Da Guys"? With abook, I mean; you've
said that it works that way with lbdb linking to jpilot.
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