Alex Launi on 28 Feb 2007 15:12:06 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] Evolution vs. Thunderbird

Yes they were sharing the same profile, so plugins, mailboxes, messages
were in both windows and ubuntu. It was a very handy set up. I did it by
creating a fat32 partition, although i suppose you could use ntfs-3g and
the ext3 windows driver to accomplish the same thing. Copy your t-bird
profile to that fat32 parition, then edit your
profiles.ini /home/you/.mozilla-thunderbird/profiles.ini to the location
of your new profile folder and change is relative to 0 (or 1, the
opposite of whatever it starts at; I'm still using evolution for now so
I forget which is the deault value). You also have to change your fstab
so that you are the owner of that partition, just change the uid and gid
in fstab for that partition to your own. Yon can do the same for firefox
to have your bookmarks in both. I think that's it. If you get errors
about thunderbird/firefox already running check that your partition is
mounted with you as the owner and your path is correct in profiles.ini.
You'll need to edit the profiles .ini in both windows and linux. in
windows it's under application data. good luck! if you need any help
with it I'm here and I'm sure its on a forum somewhere.
--Alex Launi

On Wed, 2007-02-28 at 09:51 -0500, Mag Gam wrote:
> Alex:
> "I was using thunderbird for interoperability between the two
> but since ditching windows I've started using evolution for its gnome
> integration"
> Were you using Thunderbird from Linux and Windows and sharing the same
> configuration and email inboxes? How are you doing that? Does it save
> everything in a mbox type format, which is readable on any TB? 
> On 2/28/07, Art Alexion <> wrote:
>         On Tuesday 27 February 2007 21:38, K.S. Bhaskar wrote:
>         > I tried evolution twice and gave up both times.  The open
>         source
>         > mantra is release early release often.  The evolution mantra
>         (at least
>         > for me) was crash early and crash often (and yes, crash
>         mysteriously 
>         > at random times, and sometimes bug buddy would also crash
>         collecting
>         > information about my evolution crashes).  Also, when total
>         mail
>         > folders get large (tens of folders totaling hundreds of MB),
>         it takes 
>         > for ever to start up and shut down (it seems to insist on
>         reading and
>         > touching every folder), and frequently passes the Bhaskar
>         test for
>         > hanging (if I run out of patience waiting for a program to
>         do its 
>         > thing, it's a hang, even if it will take less than infinite
>         time to
>         > complete what it is doing).
>         >
>         > I run thunderbird.
>         I, too, tried evolution and dropped it.  I found it way too
>         big a program for 
>         what it accomplished; it loads so many things in order to run
>         relatively
>         simple tasks.  It also seemed to have that proprietary
>         software philosophy of
>         knowing what you want better than you do; customizability and
>         modularity were 
>         not its strongest assets.
>         It was among the reasons I switched from Ubuntu-Gnome to
>         Kubuntu-KDE.  With
>         the Ubuntu version of Gnome, there didn't seem to be a way to
>         share calendar
>         and address data with my Palm Pilot unless I used the
>         Evolution conduits, 
>         which meant I had to use Evolution.
>         --
>         _____________________________________________________________
>         Art Alexion
>         PGP fingerprint: 52A4 B10C AA73 096F A661  92D2 3B65 8EAC ACC5
>         BA7A
>         Keyserver: hkp:// 
>         The attachment - signature.asc - is my electronic signature;
>         no need for
>         alarm.  Info @
>         _____________________________________________________________
>         ___________________________________________________________________________
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