Brent Saner on 4 Oct 2007 18:05:32 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] stick shift?

  • From: "Brent Saner" <>
  • To: "Philadelphia Linux User's Group Discussion List" <>
  • Subject: Re: [PLUG] stick shift?
  • Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2007 14:05:23 -0400
  • Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=beta; h=domainkey-signature:received:received:message-id:date:from:to:subject:in-reply-to:mime-version:content-type:references; bh=vqzQFK28pmFWe6bJaPHR96OOXdEH+lTlNkRcZGRG94o=; b=XcZzVpUArKo+P8oy9z97ujUDqxkxBBwCBDDf/K/GbTZh57ZRna0+JGknWKy/TwMScND+yBL8jUxIH689CzHpwTcs6OrOUbmz1KqiGgJCI2r4c3zlWxKWjaSNIATt1hdkTDuhw+UbNwj9+qbBndjziU85c1U+Qb39hPNO0e8Hyks=
  • Reply-to: Philadelphia Linux User's Group Discussion List <>
  • Sender:

cruisers FTW!

it's hard to find a nice wide car with manual transmission- plus i've never had the opportunity or resources to learn, really. so i'm pretty much stuck with auto. but given the chance, i'd love to learn stick.

what are are you driving now? i just went from a '93 oldsmobile cutlass ciera S to a '95 pontiac bonneville about a year ago. i feel like i'm in an iron maiden; i'm getting claustrophobic from teh space change. :)

On 10/4/07, jeff <> wrote:
Bill Hance wrote:
> if you consider driving a skill, then you've
> got to go with a manual transmission

What an incredibly reasonable point.

> if you consider driving a chore, like vacuuming a rug,
> then an automatic should be considered

Hear hear.

No one seems to have mentioned my reason for land yachts: comfort (and

I like a couch with wheels.
If there are bumps, holes, people, or smaller cars underneath me, I
don't want to know about them.
I want the ability to have two separate arguments occurring in the front
and back seats w/o interfering with each other.
An intercom to communicate from back to front.
Separate area codes for front and back seats.
A trunk that fits 12 (24 if you slice them right).

And a bumper sticker that says `MY OTHER CAR IS EVEN BIGGER'.

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Brent Saner
215.264.0112 (cell)
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