Stephen Gran on 4 Dec 2007 00:44:24 -0000

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Re: [PLUG] hardware - a deal I couldn't refuse

On Mon, Dec 03, 2007 at 05:18:25PM -0500, Matthew Rosewarne said:
> It seems Novell (who created Compiz and the awful XGL in total
> secrecy) may not have anything better to spend their time on, 

Yes, compiz is a terrible window manager.  Just remember, it's just a
window manager.  All the actual work is done by the xorg backend, and
would be trivial to introduce to a real WM.  compiz started life as a
sort of proof of concept, and then people thought it would be a good
idea to try and actually use it day to day.  Clearly that was a mistake.

> but at least Red Hat seems to be doing useful work with efforts such
> as PolicyKit, PackageKit, and NetworkManager.

Not trying to be argumentative, but have you actually looked at the code
for these things redhat pushes?  pm-utils is still mostly a joke,
network manager can barely manage to blow it's nose without wetting the
bed, and so on.

Not trying to be massively cynical, but I think I'll still take
community supported code over corporate self indulgence any day.  And I
would really love to see people get back to thinking about real
architecture issues, instead of just tacking a gui on top of a poorly
thought out subsystem (yes, network manager, I'm looking at you).

Back to your regularly scheduled rant.
|  Stephen Gran                  | UNIX is many things to many people, but |
|             | it's never been everything to anybody.  |
| |                                         |

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