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Re: [PLUG] Cat on keyboard
you should do this regardless of the presence of cats, etc.... stops guests, casual housebreakers, etc from easily seeing what you're up to. On Sat, Jan 24, 2009 at 17:40, <bergman@merctech.com> wrote:
In the message dated: Sat, 24 Jan 2009 17:30:19 EST,
The pithy ruminations from Gordon Dexter on
<[PLUG] Cat on keyboard> were:
=> I have found good OS X and Windows solutions for this, but can't seem to
=> find anything for Linux. I have a cat that likes to explore my desk,
=> and sometimes ends up walking all over my keyboard, doing weird things
=> to my programs. When I'm there I usually just press Ctrl+Alt+F1, or
=> unplug the keyboard, and that works okay, but I'm looking for something
=> more automatic.
=> Anybody know of any solutions to this problem?
Get a dog.
Seriously, use a locking screensaver.
Mark 'lost the "T" key to my parrot' Bergman
=> --Gordon
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