Art Alexion on 9 Apr 2009 04:31:24 -0700

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[PLUG] Thin client/terminal suggestions

I work for the umbrella organization for a number of small to medium  
non-profits. One, for which I am responsible, needs to replace about a  
dozen very old computers with a minimal budget.

A colleague has used nComputing terminals to save costs, and make  
remote administration easier. nComputing supports XP, win server 2003  
and Ubuntu.

I'd really like to move them to Ubuntu, but I have some concerns.

* kernel support is stalled at Ubuntu 7.10. This release is no longer  
supported by Ubuntu. Kernel updates seem to break nComputing.

* this is a mental health center. Funding sources are moving away from  
funding patients, and toward funding specifically provided services.  
Sometimes this involves the county providing the providing the program  
with custom software to track the particular services. Inevitably,  
this is windows software.

My idea is to set up two servers, an Ubuntu server to provide the  
desktops, and a windows server to run any required windows apps. That  
presents two other problems, though.

I don't want to run 7.10, and the windows apps may not be multi-user.  
The latter can't be predicted and may, at the government's whim, change.

I'll apreciate any thoughts on other linux friendly alternatives to  


Art Alexion
Sent unsigned from an iPod. That's the reason for the top posting as  
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