brent timothy saner on 9 Apr 2009 09:48:55 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] Thin client/terminal suggestions

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Art Alexion wrote:
> Thanks, Lee.  A lot to digest, but a lot of starting points.
> On Thursday 09 April 2009 10:13:49 am Lee Marzke wrote:
>> The term Thin clients is misused a lot.
>> Thin clients where originally Diskless clients,  but now many of them run
>> not only an OS locally, but a complete OS like Windows LE.
> No, I am looking for a diskless dumb terminal solution.

i'm not sure what nComputing is, really. What Does it Do?(TM) because
with LTSP, you don't need any disk, and the client kernel doesn't
matter. at all. it does everything over pxe. meaning there is no
incompatibility from the client and server, because the clients are
generated and kept on the server, and pxe pulls an initrd which mounts
the / filesystem in RAM and NFS mounts everything that needs to be
static (usually just ~).

(if your bios doesn't support pxe booting, you can use etherboot and
make a bootable cdrom that does the same thing)

i'm failing to understand how, if this is a true thin client system
(i.e. a dumb terminal system), nComputing would be incompatible with
certain kernels, etc. the only way it makes sense to me is if it's a
proprietary dumb terminal server that generates pxe clients. if that's
the case, you should really shy away from that (because of the problems
you expressed). i'd say go 100% with LTSP. i have no idea how windows
pxe-booting works, to be honest, so i'm a bit stuck there. but
nComputing sounds like a proprietary replacement for an LTSP server
rather than something that runs ON an LTSP server; please correct me if
this evaluation is inaccurate.
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