Lee Marzke on 28 May 2009 14:19:54 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] linux backups and bare metal restore

For an somewhat off-topic answer.

If you just virtualize your OS's the bare metal restore becomes trivial, just a
copy of the VM.  ( Or even a SAN snapshot )

Most servers are not CPU bound, and if you have a SAN the only limit to the number
of VM's on a DL-580 is your RAM.

Why wouldn't virtulization be considered long before messing with a h/w restore ?
With VMware ESXi and Xen being free these days,  there are so many options
even before you get a budget approved.


Neill R wrote:
 We take a full OS level backup of our linux systems each night. I now
am tasked with doing a bare metal restore. My plan of installing the
base OS and the backup exec agent and dumping down all data
directories did not work (/etc. /home /usr /bin /lib)

Anyone have experience with this?

We run RHEL on HP DL580 hardware, HP SAN, Qlogic cards, etc,
etc....pretty nice systems, real crappy backup tools. (Backup Exec 11D
and RALUS)

Thanks in advance
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"Between subtle shading and the absence of light lies the nuance of iqlusion..."  - Kryptos

Lee Marzke,  lee@marzke.net   http://marzke.net/lee/
IT Consultant, VMware, VCenter, SAN storage, infrastructure, SW CM
+1 800-393-5217  office         +1 484-348-2230               fax
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org:;VMware, SAN, infrastructure, SW CM
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