John Karr on 9 Jun 2011 17:17:52 -0700 |
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[PLUG] Security Cameras |
Security Cameras I find myself needing to install a security camera and figured this community would have a lot of good cost effective ideas with a bias towards the open source and the cheap. Because one of the confusing issues is cctv vs network cameras, I'm going to ask that the discussion be restricted to network based solutions that don't require a dedicated cctv base station or the installation of a capture card into a computer. Let me describe my security needs. Primary Problem: Barking Dog Cam My neighbor's dog stands at the fence to my yard and barks at my house. This is whenever they let him out unattended. This can be for hours on end. I've talked to them about it several times. I've filed one complaint with the city, but to cite them the inspector needs to witness the dog barking for at least 5 minutes. If the dog is outside barking 10% or even just 5% of the time this is extremely annoying to me, but the odds are against an inspector on one or two random visits witnessing it. The camera will need to be an outdoor camera, which will be attached to a bush or a fence. I need to record audio (and it seems a lot of security cameras lack this feature). Bark activated is ideal, but motion sensing would work since he comes to a specific spot for most of his barking. My objective is to be able to post time-stamped video of the dog barking to youtube that a city animal complaints inspector can easily view, or that I can use in court as evidence when I sue them to remove the animal from their property. Secondary Problem: Offender Bird Identification Another animal related issue I have is birds defacing vehicles parked in front of my house. My roommate went so far as to contact a professional in the field of bird nuisances, who needs to be able to identify species and patterns to work out a remediation plan. The best plan here might simply be to just record video continuously for a couple of days. ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --