I don't know how helpful this will be, but I'll throw it out there.
I have an "always-on" NAS that I mount from both Windows and my virtualized Ubuntu. Very simple sharing between the 2, but of course requires the extra hardware.
Alternatively, perhaps setting up a samba share on the ubuntu VM that you map from Windows would be easier than trying to mount something on Ubuntu from the windows box, although in my experience, configuring samba correctly is non-trivial (might just be me, though).
Good luck...
Hi all,
Anyone know any easy ways, and by easy ways I mean something relative
novices can handle, of sharing files between a host and a virtualized client
running on the host. Specifically I have Windows as the host and Ubuntu
running under VirtualBox. So far I have found setting up a share to be quite
difficult requiring the installation of host and client add-ons for
VirtualBox, installing packages including header files on Ubuntu, and then
doing a mount.
Mounting something like a USB drive has been similarly non-trivial, although
I may be doing something wrong there.
Installing something like Dropbox is not too bad, except that it can be
pretty slow if large files are involved. FTP isn't that bad either with
something like Filezilla and the Filezilla server on the host.
Is there anything easier?
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