Pat Barron on 21 Jun 2012 08:18:19 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] Recommend: cheap server suitable for virtualization?

On 06/21/2012 10:23 AM, Michael Leone wrote:
I'd think that "monetarily cheap but doesn't work effectively enough to be useful" doesn't qualify as "server"; that would qualify more as "expensive lesson" ... or maybe "penny wise, pound foolish", as the old saying goes ..
Sure - that's why I also agree that an Atom-based system is a 
non-starter here.
But I did see, for instance, a Phenom II X3 system with 8 GB of RAM and 
500 GB of disk for about $310 (less than that after $40 rebate), that 
would probably be decent, at least for running a couple of VMs (again, 
depending on exactly what one would be trying to do with it)...
(Regarding the Newegg deal that Gary posted about - in the benchmark 
numbers I've seen, the Phenom II processors seem to do better than the 
FX processors, so I tend to prefer the former...)

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