Paul Walker on 11 Oct 2016 20:33:23 -0700

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[PLUG] Linux laptop

Well, please troll me for saying so, but I just can't justify the cost of a new macbook pro. I have gotten pretty spoiled though - they work pretty well out of the box.

But. Mine has finally shit the bed and I'm looking to replace it with a linux machine that meets the following criteria:

durable case / body / ports- I ride my bike everywhere and bring my computer with  me
13" - 15" fhd - 4k screen
16gb ram
300+ gb ssd
will run latest ubuntu out of the box, or without too much hair pulling

I'd like to be able to push code tomorrow, I can't spend a week futzing with drivers...

If anyone has a recommendation, or a machine for sale I'd love to hear about it.

Thanks in advance,
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