Keith C. Perry on 10 May 2017 13:23:43 -0700

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Re: [PLUG] plug Digest, Vol 150, Issue 9

I wouldn't want to replace the G+ link since there are other posts that happen too.  The good thing about the G+ page is that we have multiple moderators even though its linked to Chad Water's account.  Youtube is really designed for personal use and its horrible for discussion whereas G+ is designed for that.

Just my nickel valuation on the matter.  While indexing is an issue, the search function works just fine...

The community search it NOT the top box, it is on the left under the PLUG logo

If you put in "postgresql" you'll see Bruce's two videos and Ron's.  If you put in "Bruce" the both his Postgresql talks come up but his one on Cloud services from a couple of years ago does not.  That might because at some point something went wrong and we had to change permissions then re-post but I did that was a link to my video archive. Just about every video I have ever created however is here:

That goes back to January of 2015.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
Keith C. Perry, MS E.E. 
Owner, DAO Technologies LLC 
(O) +1.215.525.4165 x2033 
(M) +1.215.432.5167

----- Original Message -----
From: "brent saner" <>
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 11:06:37 AM
Subject: Re: [PLUG] plug Digest, Vol 150, Issue 9

On 05/10/2017 10:27 AM, Paul L. Snyder wrote:
> Happily, mct now has the website automatically deploying from GitHub, so
> no more subversion. Pull request to get the videos added in would be
> excellent.
> Paul
> On Tue, 09 May 2017, Charlie Li wrote:
>> On 09/05/2017 19:31, brent saner wrote:
>>> who maintains <> these days? if I
>>> write a python script that scrapes and parses the list archives via cron
>>> and spits out an html list to the google groups links, would we be able
>>> to do that? it strikes me odd that we don't have a centralized reference
>>> for them as well (and I'm in agreement that the google+ indexing/search
>>> is... fairly atrocious. ironic, that)
>> Those of us who were physically present at Paul's "Generative Testing"
>> talk at West got to sorta witness the convoluted (or so I think) website
>> deployment process. ;-)
>> As for making it easy to find videos of the talks, I'd briefly mentioned
>> to Keith once about making a PLUG youtube channel. Turns out you no
>> longer need a proper G+ *page* to create a youtube channel (our current
>> G+ presence is actually what they call a *community*) so we don't have
>> to worry about what we have now. When I did that livestream of
>> AndyWojo's AIX talk, I did it off my personal channel, so it would
>> definitely be better if they all originated from a consistent and
>> sensibly-named source that people can subscribe to. Furthermore, youtube
>> livestreaming automatically saves the finished stream as a regular video
>> so we can all relive all the trolling until me or Keith upload something
>> from a camera lens without fisheye.
>> -- 
>> Charlie Li
>> Can't think of a witty .sigline today???
>> (This email address is for mailing list use only;
>> replace local-part with vishwin for off-list communication)

I think a YT channel would definitely work well. Charlie, Keith, can we
get an ETA on when you could have a channel created and have the videos
trasnferred there? Once that's done (or even once the channel is
created, I suppose) we could get a GH PR to MCT for the link to the
channel to replace the link to the Google+ link.

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