Rich Freeman via plug on 11 May 2021 12:43:27 -0700 |
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Re: [PLUG] Simple Reliable method to determine what is running on a Linux Box |
On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 11:56 AM Mark Bergman via plug <> wrote: > > Seriously, if someone has questions about a particular amateur radio operation _after_ they are licensed, they'd use similar tools to reach out to more knowledgable people. Is the exam > intended to test knowledge to ensure that licensed operators are cabpable in a scenario where the operator has no access to outside communication other than ham radio, and they must > use their set correctly? > I think the concept of the test is a good one, but it really seems like it should be open book at this point. However, this is probably not something the VECs have the ability to change without convincing the FCC, and just convincing the VECs might be hard enough (I'm honestly not sure how they feel about it). I think the whole license testing system was devised in a very different era. For example, the testing requirements still require three examiners to be present for every test. I don't think the FAA even requires anything like that for licensing pilots. I think that organizations connected to ham radio are half the problem though. For example, it is WAY easier to get an SSL certificate for a website than it is to get an X.509 certificate for submitting Logbook of the World entries - they actually validate your postal address by paper mail. :) In any case, the VEs are just trying to comply with the regs as best they can and satisfy the higher-ups that they're doing a good enough job that they can allow people to get their license without getting shut down. They're not really in a position to change the rules whether they think they're dumb or not. Ultimately though ensuring that people don't cheat on tests when they are taking them remotely isn't an easy problem to solve. -- Rich ___________________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group -- Announcements - General Discussion --