Casey Bralla via plug on 6 Jan 2022 02:26:51 -0800
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Re: [PLUG] Open source Mail client
- From: Casey Bralla via plug <>
- To: <>
- Subject: Re: [PLUG] Open source Mail client
- Date: Thu, 6 Jan 2022 05:26:20 -0500
- Dkim-signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; q=dns/txt; s=mail; bh=ecE+qWxM+GZwrkW61vvzpura/t3DtI1w5GKbBH5ANSs=; h=from:subject:date:mime-version:content-type:content-transfer-encoding:in-reply-to:references:list-unsubscribe:x-csa-complaints:list-unsubscribe-post; b=qmeI5u6K5cm5VEVWjqqv0tGnvazXD1nUnxag4xlClw/nBrGkxRsx6Ir0TFlF6r6Xr7DRFlVn2GMp yRwoHuLZ5JQV6B5Rr/qpX52rtPnUWog72A3oMfAUsarDXZOfxwRe4wXpfD3YrCSBCOCd2P6a9LkY OqjV7Von49ad6hGFOwk=
- Feedback-id:
- Origin-messageid: <>
- Reply-to: Casey Bralla <>
- Sender: "plug" <>
- User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.4.0
Sorry, guys, but I think you all are peeing into the wind. Graphics in
eMail signatures are VERY common in business environments. My company
REQUIRES small graphic images to identify my office phone, mobile phone,
and office location. They also require HTML formatted text for my name
and title, a company logo, and for the new year, we had to add a fancy
graphic of the year changing.
Yes, its screws up text-only eMail, but most (non-nerdy) people use
graphic-capable eMail clients, so they don't care. Microsoft Outlook
handles it all just fine and it looks good. It presents company
"branding" in a consistent and professional-looking way.
BTW, I HATE the reliance on _javascript_ on web pages. It makes it so you
can't even print a page from, say, because the formatting is
done in complex css and _javascript_. Unfortunately, Target doesn't care
what I think, and I have no power to stop them.
On 1/6/22 03:25, Steve Litt via plug wrote:
> H Mottaleb via plug said on Wed, 5 Jan 2022 20:28:32 -0500
>> I think you misunderstood what I meant by image. It's not an image of
>> me but my company logo. Most businesses today use those as a
>> signatures along with some way of contacting them.
> What Walt said !
> Whether it's your photo, your company logo, or a photo of the
> Mississippi at midnight, it's going to piss off text-only people (like
> me). If you do it anyway, please have a text sig for Linux User Group
> mailing lists, because a majority of their members deal in text email.
> As far as "most businesses today", they also spam, use mailchimp, and
> have horrible HTML email as poorly engineered as their websites, and
> maybe as megabyte-heavy.
> I do text email, and nobody has ever told me they can't read my email.
> SteveT
> Steve Litt
> Spring 2021 featured book: Troubleshooting Techniques of the Successful
> Technologist
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