Rich Freeman via plug on 26 Jan 2023 12:57:06 -0800

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Re: [PLUG] Possibly Off-Topic but looking for a "server"

On Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 3:49 PM Rich Mingin (PLUG) via plug
<> wrote:
> It's not scalpers, it's rabid unfulfilled demand. Raspberry Pi supply
> has been zero or spotty for over two years now.

Yeah, for storage I've been contemplating moving to used mini-PCs
(x86-based).  They use more power, but they're also more capable.  The
main pain is figuring out how much power they use as the stuff I'm
interested in filtering by isn't the sort of thing newegg or whatever
has on their list of filters.

The Pi4s were very nice devices that addressed most of the IO-related
issues of their predecessors.  I didn't mind paying a little more for
them.  (They also need some cooling if you actually want to get
anywhere near full performance.)

> I build Voron 3D printers, and the most difficult component to source
> since mid-2020 has been and remains the RPi.

Out of curiosity do the firmware on those support any other
architecture?  I haven't followed the Vorons very closely, so I'm not
sure how they're interfaced/etc.  Actually, I'm not sure if they're
actually using the Pis for the actual printer firmware, or if they're
using them more as an IO layer (like attaching a Pi to any number of
printers).  I just drank the Bambulab Kool Aid so I haven't really
gotten around to reading up on the FOSS software being used for actual
printer control.

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