Cassius Rosenthal on 6 Sep 2007 14:29:37 -0000 |
That's not quite fair, Toby. I agree that Casey was wrong to suggestYou're right. I apologize. For the record, I take more offense from Kenosha's suggestion that RDBMS text searches are "hacks" inadequate for handling semi-structured data. I have recently uncovered inside information from an anonymous source suggesting that more than 97% of Aaron's current projects use RDBMSs for semi-structured data, and I would challenge him to justify deploying 'inadequate hacks' in his client's projects. (^_^) Seriously -- no offense taken. The trick to understanding the state here is that its everywhere in a OK -- I can see that changing schema (or a view) in an RBDMS requires an explicit command, and does not in CouchDB. So an RDBMS would return an error whereas CouchDB would just return nothing for that part of the graph. But BerkeleyDB is SQL-based. So does BerkeleyDBHA not require an explicit command to change shema? I still think 'stateless' is the wrong word. Structured vs semi-structured seems a more reasonable distinction. If you'd like a pretty good book on how SQL works under the hood and
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