Martin DiViaio on Fri, 23 Oct 1998 11:44:30 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: Fvwm2 Config Files

LeRoy D. Cressy wrote:
> Now the files that I mentioned are all on the Debian distribution.  If
> you cannot find them where I have said to look for them use the locate
> command to find them.  Also this topic looks like a good topic for the
> PLUG meeting.  What do you think?

I haven't yet gone to any meetings. So, I don't know how your meetings
are organized.

I think that you could probably spend several meetings discussing X
configuration as the sole topic.

If you are talking about finding the X config files, it might be better
if the discussion was about general rules for locating config files for
anything. Not just X. Lets face it. If you use Linux for more than a
week you eventually have to tweak a config file somewhere. (I'm not
saying this is a bad thing.)

                    /)-._    | It may be better to be a live jackal than
                   Y. ' _]   | a dead lion, but it is better still to be
            ,.._   |`--"=    | a live lion. And usually easier
           /    "-/  `.\     |
  /)  sk  |   |_     `\|___  | - Lazarus Long, A fictional character
  \:::::::\___/_\__\_______\ |   created by Robert Heinlein