Rebecca Ore on Tue, 12 Jan 1999 10:34:22 -0500 (EST)

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Please don't email me and cc the list

On Tue, Jan 12, 1999 at 09:12:45AM -0500, Kurt Starsinic wrote:
> Rebecca Ore wrote:

And like other messages, I got two copies of it.  I filter *all* cc'ed
to list, to the list, or remailed by the list to the list mailbox and
this just means that I get two copies in the list mail box.  I don't
particularly mind mail to me only, but would prefer that people learn
how to set up programs and filters that allow responses to the list
without the unnecessary duplications.

Procmail and mutt are excellent for this.  I would probably not be on as
many mailing lists as I am without it.

If anyone needs help setting up procmail, don't use the latest RedHat
rpm for that either.  

Rebecca Ore

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