Andy Bradley on Wed, 30 Jun 1999 13:39:09 -0400 (EDT)

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[Plug] A question about installing Linux

I have been pretty much just lurking for a few months and decided it was time to get a Linux box running.
I have a problem loading Red Hat. This is my first real attempt at Linux or any Unix OS. 
I have a P133 with 48 meg ram, a 4.3 gig western digital HD partitioned into two ~2 gig partitions using Western Digital's EZ drive.  My bios does not support large drives.  I have Windows 95 on the first partition and have installed RH on the second partition.  I wish to dual boot the box.  The install seems to go smoothly. I set up the Linux native and swap partitions, choose the packages to install.  Everything is fine until it is time to reboot.  I get the Ram Check, EZ Bios runs and then I just get "LI" and the box freezes up.  Now I can not get at the Win95.  Is Linux compatible with EZ Bios?  Is there something else I am missing?
Andrew Bradley