Kevin Hill on Fri, 23 Jul 1999 22:17:48 -0400 (EDT)

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Re: [Plug] Oracle8.0.5 for Linux

I've been running it for the past six months or so.  It works very well
and installs with only a few glitches.  Our company is actually running
both Oracle and DB2 on Linux for internal application development and we
haven't had any problems.  The Oracle package includes the JDBC drivers
which I've used with Apache servlets and, again, these work great.

- khill

"Ira S. Clavner" wrote:
> Hello All:
> I have the complete 8.05 Oracle on CD and can loan out copies of the ROM.
> Has anyone succeeded in installing 8.05 on Linux yet?
> I downloaded and burned the CDROM a few months ago. I haven't had the time to work
> with it yet and would like to know of someone who has successfully installed it.
> Speaking of Burners, I bought the Memorex 1622 and found that they seem to have a
> short life span.  I am on my second burner; my first one died after about 100
> copies.
> wrote:
> > Speaking of Oracle from my last post, I will be ftping the last section of
> > Oracle8.0.5 for Linux tonight.  If anyone wants it, let me know.  I don't have a
> > burner, but I am using SCSI, and if anyone else has a SCSI system, and a burner,
> > we can make copies.  If you want, I'll pull the drive, and come over to your
> > place, assuming it's relatively close to King of Prussia.
> >
> > ^Man, I really need to get my own burner^ :-(
> >
> > I didn't get the Enterprise Edition, 'cause it's 160 Megs (as opposed to 148),
> > and has a 30 day lifespan.
> > 'Course, it would be my luck, that just as I am about to finish getting 8,
> > Oracle puts out 8i.....
> >
> > Peace,
> > Vale
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Plug maillist  -
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Plug maillist  -
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