The voicenet DSL saga continues. I'm sitting here looking at my
worthless contract, wondering what on earth possessed me to pay
$700 in advance 3 months ago. The date on the contract is
Covad is running the lines. At the begining of the month, I checked
their website for availabilty and according to them, it wouldnt be
until the 9th (at least). Now, why is it that I could find that info
in 2 minutes, yet voicenet felt the need to lie to me, then trap
me by claiming "cancelation fee" when I asked for my money back
earlier in the month? So I sit and wait.
When a friend in my area tried to get DSL from concentric they were
initially told it was available. Later, they were told it wasnt, the
contract was canceled, and no money changed hands. They were pretty
much told "Sorry, we cant do this now, contact us in a couple months"
This was back in june.
When I called, they said yes, 30-40 day install time "blah blah"....
its been almost 90. Now I can spend a bunch of $$ on a lawyer to
get back money I should never have spent in the first place.
I just attempted to call to find out the status of my order around
4:30. I doubt I'll hear back. "The Person" I need to talk to was "on the
phone". Evidently there's one all knowing person that can answer the
question of "When can I expect service?". I guess monday morning I'll
try to call one last time. At this point I dont even want the service.
They've already broken the contract by not installing the service in
a timely manner.
If you're considering Voicenet, dont bother. This reminds me more of a
bad racket than a serious business. I've absolutely no desire to support
a business that flat out lies to its customers. When I called at the
begining of the month to cancel, I was warned that "if you cancel now,
there will be a cancelation fee. You're very close to having it
installed, you should just wait it out". When I aske how much the
fee was, it was "several hundred dollars". So I guess its a good
thing I'm patient. Otherwise I'd have to pay a bunch of money for a
service I never recieved.
Maybe other people have other experiences. But I just felt like sharing
When I grow up, I wanna be more like me.
I had a clue. I didn't like it. I took it back and exchanged it for an