Brian O'Neill on Mon, 20 Dec 1999 08:48:56 -0500 (EST)

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[Plug] Re: Plug digest, Vol 1 #325 - 15 msgs


  I have been subscribing to this email for sometime
hoping to get the following:
- assistance with some Linux questions or
troubleshooting with installations or operations; (for
example; dual boot installing of Caldera Open Linux
2.3 to a Dell Inspiron 7000 laptop with Win98-II).
- a professional atmosphere to help promote Linux to
what I believe is one of its strongest advantages:
that is its use as a low cost and reliable business
alternative to some server functions (i.e. a DNS
server) over NT or HP Unix.
- and a general peer to peer professional help or
alliance group for IT professionals.

  What I have found, is somewhat less then hoped for
climate.  True there are those who seek out to help
others in a professional manner.  True, there is some
good to gain from the emails, as long as they answer
or attempt to answer your technical questions. 
However, the increased highly opinionated responces
painted with, shall we say, very colorful vocabulary,
reduces the value of this service and professionalism.
Please don't waist your time responding with your own
colorful responce to this; I will just delete them
without reading them.  

  In closing, I would like to thank those who agree
with the opinions expressed here and those who seek to
assist others.  For the
blasting all the 4,8,& 12 letter phrases with or
without ASCII characters replacing certain letters;
well shutdown your systems, get outdoors, get a life,
and get a real job.  

   I'll Unsubscribe to this and replace this email
service with continued studies toward certification
and subscriptions to a real professional service as I
embark on a Unix career from NT and Novell. 

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