Jeff Dean on Thu, 14 Sep 2000 21:20:10 -0400 (EDT) |
While this certainly isn't a recent account, it may be of interest to those looking at this topic. About 18 months ago I did a piecemeal system myself. It started when I found a Tyan dual PII-333 board, including onboard dual Adaptec ultra-wide SCSI, for about $150. The Adaptec interface is the equivalent of an AHA-3940UW, which was going on the street at the time for a little under $400. This seemed like a very good deal, so I bought it ( I had a generic ATAPI CDROM, and added an ATAPI Zip-100. The case is a typical ATX case with some nice easy-access features, but I have no idea who made it. I got two 333s from a little house I found on Pricewatch who was willing to bundle fans. I bought a few PC-66 DIMMS and a 2XAGP 16MB card (don't recall which right now) from CDW (I think). I kept my eyes open looking for UWSCSI disks, and found a 10000RPM IBM drive for about $350 on (they're still retailing for more than $250 today). I liked the idea of the faster transfer rate running on SCSI, but I pay the penalty in heat. To handle that I have a few extra fans. I also installed a removable IDE cartridge thingie so I can swap in/out disks as needed. The one piece I had the most trouble finding was an internal-to-external UWSCSI adapter for the back of the PC. I wanted to bring one of the two SCSI channels out to the back to use with external SCSI-I things, like my DDS-2 tape drive, CD-RW, and scanner. I looked everywhere, but didn't find one until I started asking guys at a computer show in KoP, and he had just the part to go with my existing cable. I've had no trouble with the system since assembling it, and regularly run Linux with two SETI@home processes (one for each CPU), VMWare with Win98, etc. etc. etc. jd At 05:03 PM 9/14/00 -0400, you wrote: I would be interested in seeing what specificly people have done. In other words, I'd love to see some stories that might be reproducible. ("I bought this component here for this price, this there for that much, etc.")