Jason Costomiris on Sun, 5 Nov 2000 11:47:32 -0500 (EST)

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Re: [PLUG] please vote

On Sun, Nov 05, 2000 at 09:41:04AM -0500, Jeff Dean wrote:
: So Clinton lies about a little backroom sex and he's impeached, but Bush 
: lies about DUI and he's to be congratulated and elected?  What happened to 
: all of the talk about character?  It's a double standard.  Bush is 
: ethically no better than Clinton and his candidacy should go down in flames 
: as a result.

Um, no.  The Bush situation is nothing like the Clinton one at all.  When
Bush was presented with the question about the DUI, he admitted to it on
the spot.  Clinton lied, and tried to cover things up, only to come out in
the end and say, "You caught me!"  Of course, you probably think he should
be printing that he had a DUI against him 24 years ago on the front of all
of his campaign materials, right?

: That's right.  Poor GW.  It's in the past, right?  So what happens if he's 
: drunk at a presidential function?  What if the DUI had happened recently 
: and he'd been convicted and jailed?

But the fact of the matter is that it hasn't.  The man had what in his mind
was a problem with alcohol, so he stopped drinking.

: Who cares how or when it was revealed?  It does appear to be convenient 
: timing, but it's a fact nonetheless.  

Oh come on, it was a last-ditch effort to cheap-shot Bush and you know it.
While negative campaigning typically turns my stomach, I'm quite fond of
the latest round of Bush commercials showing Al Gore's statements from 
this campaign that have turned out to be lies, and it closes with Al denying
even telling a single untruth in the 2000 Campaign.  Hilarious.

It did find it funny, however, when I was up the block from the Khyber on
Friday night, and some Nader supporters were taking a "who are you voting
for?" poll.  In my group, most of them were voting for Gore, except for me
and one other guy.  The Naderpushers called us a-holes, because we were
"against the middle class".  Uh huh.  "Bush is going to give a tax cut
to the richest 1% of Americans, how can you stand that?"  Well, the fact
of the matter is, sure, the richest 1% will get a tax cut under GW's plan.
So will the bottom 99%.  As a 28 year old person, the only issue that I 
actually care about in this election is taxes.  Social Security?  Bah, it
won't exist in 39 years when I'm 67.  If I had the chance to change my SS
deductions so that either the monies were in an individual account for me
ONLY, or I could change the deduction to cover only long-term disability,
rather than retirement, I'd do it in a second.  Why?  I'm spending thousands
of dollars a year on a system that I'll never see the benefit of.  Maybe
we should take Al Gore and put *HIM* in the "Iron Clad Lockbox."

Jason Costomiris <><           |  Technologist, geek, human.
jcostom {at} jasons {dot} org  |  http://www.jasons.org/ 
          Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

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