Kevin Falcone on Mon, 11 Dec 2000 13:37:51 -0500 |
>>>>> "ML" == Mike Leone <> writes: ML> Yes, I did a modules_install. And yes, it successfully created a ML> new version of the emu401k.o module. I did save a copy of the ML> old module. Maybe I'll try loading it; it never complained about ML> those aliases. You probably won't be able to load it, if you have turned on kernel-module versioning. Try `insmod emu401k' and see if you can generate any error messages. -kevin -- All that blue light from Orthanc at night? That was Saruman, trying to moderate news.admin.palantir-abuse.sightings. Mike Andrews <jpuR3.1379$> ______________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group - Announcements- General Discussion -