John Lavin on Sun, 30 Jun 2002 22:53:22 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] Through cell phone to Internet - perpetual mobile contract

kaze said:
> Watch out, I have Cingular, and whenever you change or tweak your plan they
> restart the one year contract. I actually read the whole contract when I got
> it, but this was one of those additions they made later and sent with some
> junk mail. When I said I never agreed to renewing the contract they said
> that under PA law they could use my verbal agreement to the plan changes
> over the phone as contractually obligating. Also I believe for me to get out
> of it I have to notify them in writing just before the one year anniversary,
> then stop using the phone - otherwise it automatically renews for another
> year. Another frustrating thing is that not only can't you move numbers
> between networks, you can't always move perfectly good phones either.

Interesting, I also have Cigular, but when I changed my plan I
specifically asked them if this change was going to renew any
contractual obliations, they told me no.  I'm told I can cancel anytime.

John Lavin
Public Key:
"Petty fears and petty pleasures are but a shadow of the reality."
    - H.D. Thoreau

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