Arthur S. Alexion on Fri, 5 Jul 2002 21:00:10 +0200 |
I recently wrote about upgrading my memory. The urgency for doing this is related to my use of kmail. It seems to use more memory than any other app I regularly run. When it is running, response times for all actions seem delayed. I often have to stop typing to let the display catch up (to make sure I don't have any blatant typos). Doesn't seem to happen with OpenOffice Writer or Mozilla -- unless kmail is up too. I am using kmail 1.3.1 (on kde 2.2-11). Is it a version problem, a problem with my configuration, or just the way its going to run on this old machine. -- _______________________________ Art Alexion Arthur S. Alexion LLC ______________________________________________________________________ Philadelphia Linux Users Group - Announcements- General Discussion -