Bill Jonas on Wed, 2 Oct 2002 17:02:07 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] PC Camera

On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 04:10:39PM -0400, Paul wrote:
> Is the D-Link a USB camera?  Which driver/chip does it use?

Yes, it's a USB camera.  It uses the ov511 module, the kernel version of
which, when I was playing with it on my machine, is rather behind behind
the actual author's version, which is annoying.  The author's version
worked better for me a few months ago.  If you google for ov511.c or
something (or even just ov511), you should find the right site in a

The model number is DSB-C100.  Ah, here's the product page:
<>.  The picture quality is
very bad, but what do you expect for $30?  We purchased it at Circuit
City, but they don't seem to carry it anymore (according to their web

> I might try it under Windows to see if the limitations are in the 
> hardware, software, or the way I'm running the software under Linux.

My wife uses ours with her Windows desktop, and it's still bad.  The
picture is very green over all, and like yours, the picture washes out
at unreasonably low levels of light.

> I got better results when I tried the WinTV Go video capture card with 
> an old camcorder connected to it.

Not surprising, really.  Hundreds of dollars for camcorder buys you
better optics and circuitry than a cheap webcam.

I'd like to get recommendations from people regarding webcams, up to the
~$100 price range.  Anybody have any they like?

Bill Jonas    *    *
"They that can give up  essential  liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."        -- Benjamin Franklin

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