Jason Costomiris on Thu, 31 Oct 2002 18:30:05 -0500

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[PLUG] Problems w/SMTP on Verizon DSL, none on Comcast Cable?

At my place I've got a cable modem from Comcast. My parents have Verizon DSL. When reading and sending mail from my place (using Mail.app on Mac OS X 10.2.1), everything works perfectly. However, from my parents' house, I can read fine using IMAP/SSL, but sending mail fails every time.

My mail server is running RH 7.3 with Postfix 1.1.11 with TLS and SASL support built in. SMTP connections from my client to the system are done over TLS and authenticated using the SASL LOGIN method. When on the Verizon DSL and connecting to the mail server, the connection gets established, and the DATA command *seems* to be fine, but eventually times out. Of course, pointing to Verizon's smtp server doesn't help, because they only allow @verizon.net and @bellatlantic.net email addresses to use their mail relays.

Now that I'm back @ my house, everything's working normally. Anyone know of issues with Verizon's DSL network and SMTP servers that are outside of Verizon's network?

Jason Costomiris <><
E: jcostom {at} jasons {dot} org / W: http://www.jasons.org/
Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum viditur.

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