sean finney on Mon, 3 Feb 2003 18:46:17 -0500

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Re: [PLUG] Moving a lot of user accounts

On Mon, Feb 03, 2003 at 11:27:22AM -0500, Fred K Ollinger wrote:
> The xfs filesystem has been part of linux stable kernel since version
> 2.4.19, IIRC.

um, i guess they must have forgotten it in mine.  in fact, i don't see
it in 2.4.20 either.  the first version that i can find it in is 2.5.38, and
it wasn't in 2.5.31[1].  correct me if i'm wrong, i've never used it.
i know there's been a patch available for it that's been considered stable
enough to go into the default _redhat_ kernel, but afaik the debian
folks don't patch the kernel at all for the default image (there's an
apt-gettable patch and patched image though, iirc).


[1] according to a file search for xfs on, quite possibly
the single coolest kernel-hacker's site ever made, ever.  try the
identifier search to see what i mean.

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