Magnus on Mon, 9 Jun 2003 21:59:06 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] Re: plug digest, Vol 1 #660 - 10 msgs

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On Monday, June 9, 2003, at 06:24 PM, Jeff 'Jephree' Mealo wrote:

Wait, wait, wait... you're starting to make sense. If we were to build a
wireless network you could join for free granted A) you were able to and B)
you could get the equipment C) configure it yourself and got enough people to
join the ISPs would want to dominate the internet service for the large group
of people and it won't become a competition on their side rather than ours...
I just don't know how you would start... I'm oblivious so forgive me, is
there a way to pipe out 900/2.4/5ghz over a public radio antenna if you rent
the space? Or is this dangerous/against FCC regulations? Can't we avoid
paying licensing fees because they are public bands?... and if we were to
provide free access as a public service perhaps sponsors and or the owners of
the antenna or backing company would offer free/reduced costs.

A project like this looks to be starting very soon in this area. I have to order some hardware this week so I can sort out some of the design issues, prove it out, etc. before recommending anyone to buy anything.

Where are you located? There may be people in your area that are already kicking around the idea of a mesh.

The 802.11 standards operate on unlicensed bands at 2.4GHz and 5GHz and do have some restrictions in power output but do not require a license.
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