Walt Mankowski on Thu, 3 Jul 2003 22:36:06 -0400

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Re: [PLUG] July keysigning now has 3 new keys

On Wed, Jul 02, 2003 at 06:41:37PM -0400, Jeff Abrahamson wrote:
> Do you ever find yourself wondering whose key you've signed at a plug
> meeting? Should I verify your info? But maybe I already signed your
> key last year and I forgot. Verifying again would be such a waste.
> Or maybe this is just me: I'm so bad with names. But not anymore. Here
> are two bash functions that tell me whose keys I've signed:
> signed-me-verbose() { gpg --list-sigs | \
>         egrep '(^pub|jeff@purple.com)'| \
> 	perl -wne 'my $last_line = ""; while(my $line = <>) { \
> 	if($line !~ /^pub/) { print $last_line; print $line; } \
> 	$last_line = $line; }'; }
> signed-me() { gpg --list-sigs | \
>         egrep '(^pub|jeff@purple.com)'| \
> 	perl -wne 'my $last_line = ""; while(my $line = <>) { \
> 	if($line !~ /^pub/ and $last_line =~ /^pub/) { print $last_line; } \
> 	$last_line = $line; }'; }

gpg --list-sigs takes forever on my box.  Here's a one-liner (FSVO
"one" :) that has slightly different output format, but runs in just a
few seconds on my box:

  gpg --fast-list-mode --with-colons --list-sigs |egrep '(^pub|5DF19E2B67A7B584)'| perl -ne 'if($_ !~ /^pub/ and $last_line =~ /^pub/) { print $last_line;} $last_line = $_;' | cut -d: -f5 | xargs gpg --list-keys |grep '^pub'

It uses --fast-list-mode, which speeds things up considerably because
it leaves out a lot of the information, particularly the names.  I get
the names back by running gpg --list-keys on the output.

It also uses --with-colons, which prints out the data in a format
that's easier and more reliable to parse.  --with-colons prints out
the long form of the key id, which is the last 16 hex digits of the
fingerprint instead of the last 8 as are more commonly used.  That's
my key id in there for test purposes; you'd need to plug your own in,
or have that be a parameter in a shell script or bash function or

David -- if you're following this, any chance of something like this
being a built-in option in a future version of gpg?


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Description: PGP signature